Friday, August 23, 2024

1st Term Book Report - Book in a Bag!

 So on this book report I do have a challenging piece, which is OPTIONAL! On the book report requirements you will see they need to write one paragraph in Cursive! If your child would like to try to do it in cursive they can just write 3 SENTENCES (not a whole paragraph) in cursive and I will give them BONUS POINTS! If they do not know how to do the cursive they can look at a cursive chart online to form the letters OR parents can write the word in cursive and the students can try to follow what the parents did (not on the same paper).

SO AGAIN - CURSIVE IS OPTIONAL! IT IS THE BONUS AND CHALLENGING PART OF THE BOOK REPORT! Otherwise just have your child write both paragraphs in regular print 

Book in a Bag Report Guidelines - (Click on that link) Due Oct 11th


Welcome back to school! I am so excited for the school year to begin. We are going to be learning about so many fun and interesting things this year. We will be learning about the plants, animals, sun, moon, waves, Utah, math facts, literacy novels, vocabulary, and many more!
This first week of school we will be taking some pre-assessments and reviewing procedures and classroom rules.  We will also be starting our literacy program, Journeys, as well as math.
This week we will be doing some fun getting to know you activities and having a good time. I know many of you already know each other, but I cannot wait to meet all of you and get to know all of your likes, dislikes, enjoyments, and sweet personalities. 
Our time together will be crunched because we will be switching each day with the Chinese class at lunchtime.  We only have 2 hours and 10 minutes together each day and we are going to work extra hard to get all of our learning in during that short time.  During their 2+ hour block we will be doing our literacy program (reading, writing, grammar, fluency, etc), math, social studies, and science.  It will be a lot of fun, but it is extremely important to come each day ready and to do your part! 

I hope you are as excited as I am about coming to school! I can't wait to meet all of you and to go on this new adventure with you.

Mrs. Jarvis